Gorilla trekking Uganda

Gorilla Trekking is a lifetime experience done in the 2 famous Uganda’s national park that is Bwindi impenetrable and Mgahinga gorilla national park in the south western part of the country.
Gorilla trekking is the main tourism activity in the forest. However there are other activities done within the national parks that’s Batwa cultural tour, Batwa trial, forest exploration, nature walk and other adventurous activities Gorilla trekking is an interesting travel experience which starts with a briefing at the park headquarter by the park warden later rally behind the ranger guide at 8:00am to begin the adventure. Hike the valley and hills while searching for the mountain gorillas as you enjoy the flora of the area with beautiful flowers and other interesting features of the area.

The search depend on the previous night for the mountain gorillas, once you find them you will observe them in their natural setting and take pictures with them and videos to make your travel experience memorable.
Gorilla trekking activity is done in a number of communities and these are Buhoma, Nkuringo, Rushaga and Ruhija all in Bwindi impenetrable forest national park plus Nyakagezi in Mgahinga gorilla national park in kisoro district bordering Cong and Rwanda.
Uganda consists half of the worlds endangered mountain gorillas totaling to approximately 400 gorillas within the two protected areas. Because of the unique biodiversity, the country and the forest alone making it listed on the World heritage site. The unique in the nature with its natural setting.
There are various trials in the forest that enable you to reach the mountain gorillas and trials can act as the end and start point While on your trek enjoy the awesome views of the surrounding environment of the beautiful area.
On your trek you will encounter on the number of forest birds, plus other primates of the area which will be an added advantage to your adventure experience. The trek rewards you with beautiful sceneries of Lake Mutanda and the misty view of Virunga volcanoes (Mount Muhabura, Mount Sabinyo, and Mount Gahinga) that are partly located in Uganda.

There are a number of interesting activities to be enjoyed such as hiking, canoe trips across the lake to the communities, swimming since the lake is bilharzia free and bird
watching since the lake shore has a variety of bird species such as crested cranes, kingfisher, kites and weaver birds.