1 day ngamba island chimpanzee tour

This 1 Day Ngamba Island chimpanzee tour transfers to the home of orphaned and confiscated Chimpanzees situated on Lake Victoria approximately about 23km south-east of Entebbe. The Island is Situated on a 100 acres piece of land of which 95 acres is forested and separated from the human camp by an electric fence.

The 1 day package will take through great adventurous activities including boat cruise on lake Victoria, bird watching, chimp spotting or viewing, chimpanzee feeding, shopping at the island and experiencing other wildlife encounters that create your rich and memorable visit.

Programme for your 1 Day Ngamba Island chimpanzee tour.

After your early morning breakfast, our driver picks you from your hotel of residence in Kampala or Entebbe at exactly 7:00am for the morning session or at 11:00am for the afternoon session. On meeting the driver guide first briefs you about your 1 day program and the activities you will be engaging in.

Then drive to Uganda’s biggest water fresh lake (Lake Victoria) where you will board a speed boat to the Island. The boat takes approximately about 45 minutes to get to the Island. While on boat you will be in position to see a number of bird species and see local fishermen carrying on the fishing activity using the local tools.

Arrival at Ngamba Island.

Upon arrival at the Island, you will be warmly welcomed by some of chimp care takers, start seeing different species like the monitor lizard along the waters of the island, then immediately directed to the visitors’ centre where you will be introduced to the Island’s project, its history and the activities that always take place.

For any type of session opted for, you will always receive orientation by a chimpanzee caregiver, see the chimpanzees, and take part on feeding your preferred chimps from a raised platform area along the edge of the sanctuary fence You will also watch them gain your attention to get food from you Some reach to extent of making signs to you while others make funny sounds to attract your attention .

What next after chimpanzee feeding?

Afterwards your taken through different centres at the Island like the chimpanzee food store The caregiver explains to you the healty of chimps, how they treated the type of food they are given like porridge pineapples, carrots, sweet bananas, jack fruit, water melon, apples, tomatoes, oranges, among others.

Later, board your speed boat to return back to the mainland.

Ngamba Island timing sessions

•Morning session between 7:00am and 1:30pm from the mainland

• Afternoon session between 11:00am and 6:00pm from mainland

Other optional activities on full day session

• Swimming the equator (For only those who are good at swimming)

•Visiting the neighbouring fishing villages