When we talk of the big five animals, what comes in the mind of every Tourist is automatically the Lions, Elephants, Buffaloes, Rhinos and the Leopards. And these are the most respectable mammals as far as wildlife is concerned. A lot of questions do run in one’s head about these five mammas. Well this article has got all of them answered.

The big 5 animals were named so by the ancient hunters because of their intimidation, fierceness, strangeness, and of course their big size. With these qualities, hunters faced hard times carrying out their hunting activities as they could be smashed out and thus the elusive death of so many hunters.

These animals can only be spotted on Game Drives to avoid danger.

The Big Five Animals include;

Lions These are referred to as the kings of the jungle due to their roar sound. Lions are very fierce animals which feed on prey. Therefore sighting them can best be done on a game drive with the help of a guide. They are best spotted in Murchison falls, Semliki, Lake Mburo, Kidepo and Queen Elizabeth National Parks respectively.

Buffalos – These have various species Cape buffalos and Forest buffalos respectively. Buffalos spotted in Kidepo valley, Lake Mburo, Murchison falls and Queen Elizabeth National parks.

Rhinos: Uganda harbors both black and white rhinos and these are best known to be the masters of the wildlife. They can only be spotted in Ziwa Rhino sanctuary, a Government reserved sanctuary.

Elephants: Elephants are best known for their huge size and these have 2species which include, the savannah elephants and the forest elephants. They can be sighted in Lake Mburo, Kidepo, Murchison falls, Semliki and Queen Elizabeth National Parks.

Leopards: Leopards are also very fierce nocturnal animals that feed on prey. The best place to sight them from is National Parks Find them in Queen Elizabeth national park Kidepo national park and so much more.

Conclusively, Village Gorilla Safaris welcomes you all to Uganda, The Pearl of Africa where you can have the best sight of all these big 5 animals on a game drive in just one trip.

For an exciting and memorable tour experience, please book a Trip with Village Gorilla Safaris today!!!