so far ranks as one of the best tourism activities liked by most of Uganda’s tourists.

Gorilla Trekking is an amazing activity that will give you the best experience as far as Tourism in Uganda is concerned. Carrying out this activity will give you sweet memorable moments from Uganda-Africa.

In Uganda, the Gorilla Trekking activity is majorly done in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park in the Southwestern part of Uganda on the rim of the Great Rift Valley and Mgahinga National Park in the Southwestern comer of Uganda.

The government of Uganda together with the Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) put up Gorilla Trekking Rules and Regulations in favor of trekkers’ safety and the endangered gorillas. These include the following;

Before setting out for the gorilla trekking activity.

You must be having a Gorilla Trekking permit before you plan to go for the activity.

• The minimum age for Trekkking gorillas is 15years. The park management/ Authorities will ask to have a look at your passport to prove your eligibility for the activity. We advise that you please do comply accordingly .

•A group of maximum 8 people will be allowed per trekking if at all your number is big, you will be conducting it in shifts, but still of 8 people per shift so as not to scare away the gorillas because of the big number

•Strictly 1hour is given to each trekking group per day.

•Before you set out for the activity, please make sure you don’t have any transmittable illness like a cold, cough as they can be easily transmitted to the endangered gorillas, if you notice any sign of the illness, you are please advised to stay behind The park management will organize for you one after full recovery or make a monetary refund.

*When you are with the gorillas.
•Please you are advised to maintain a 7m distance from the gorillas, they are wild animals

• Do not smoke/eat/dnnk when near the gorillas, Do not try to feed them either.

•If you must sneeze or cough, please try to cover your face and turn away from them as they can easily catch coughs and colds from humans.

•Voices should be kept low so as not to scare away the gorillas However feel free to ask your guide any questions if at all you have any But please do this whispering.

Never run when a gorilla approaches you slowly make a back word movement and hide your face away. At times they get suspicious for danger and they go ahead to inspect you. Please do not worry, it will go away on its own. The guides will be there to comfort you in this terrifying time.

• When the gorilla sees you, try not to stand tall as it may mistake it for aggression towards them.

• Never look at the gorillas direct in the eyes. When they see you directly starring at them, may mistake it for aggression.

•Do not wear bright colored shoes/clothes. Shiny/bright things attract gorillas’ attention and they may approach you in case they detect danger.

• Do not try to clear up vegetation in need for a clear view as this might scare away the gorillas. In case it’s needed, let the guides do it for you.

•Do not unnecessarily litter empty water bottles, papers, food packing bags/containers in the park. These contain viruses that affect the endangered gorillas.

• Do not use flash photography. This might scare them away before you time expires.

•Visits are limited to strictly 1hour.

Note ; The park guide will take you through a short briefing about all this and more Rules and Regulations before setting off for the activity.

What you need to carry for the Gorilla Trekking activity?

• Carry insect repellants as there are so many biting insects in the park.

•Wear long sleeved shirts/trousers to avoid vegetation scratches in the park.

• Juggle boots to avoid piercing thorns in the park

• Wear dark colored clothes/boots.

•Carry warm clothes as the weather in the park is unpredictable .

•Carry a raincoat with you. Rain is so common in the park

•Please do not forget to carry your cameras for photography No flashlight camera.

•Carry enough food and water to sustain through the whole activity.

For further inquiries about the Gorilla Trekking Rules and Regulations or Booking a Trip with Us, please feel free to contact Village Gorilla Safaris through Email or a direct phone call.