Located in the north east of Uganda, in the semi-arid region of Karamoja, Kidepo Valley national park is one of Uganda’s must a visit park for those that want to see theuntouched wildlife that is the real deal The scenery is breath taking with two major valley with the Kidepo and Narus rivers which are seasonal in The park hosts over 75 species of mammals which include Lions in abundance-especially during the dry season of the year (even some tree climbing ones) – 

Elephant and  Buffalo herds roaming Giraffes, leopard, cheetahs, ostriches, pangolins the bat eared fox, striped hyena, aardwolf, caracal, antelopes such as eland, bush buck, bush duskier, defassa water buck, bohor reed buck, Jackson’s hartebeest and oribi The Park provides great places for Nature and Bush Walks, hiking up the Morungole Mountains to visit Ik people one of the smallest ethnic groups in Uganda with guided rangers since the park is remote Game viewing where herds of different games are seen exploring the grasslands however there are also high chances of viewing the tree climbing lions which are always sited on rocks, or on sauces trees along the Narus valley The sand bed along Kidepo river especially during the dry season since river kidepo is seasonal and what makes it fascinating is it is lined up by borassus palms that makes it appear as an oasis Due to its notable birds of prey. \

The park offers around 475 species like theVerreaux’s Eagle, Egyptian Vulture and Pygmy Falcon, hoopoe, Kori, sparrow weavers, where yet more are to be discovered within the region where birders take a chance to.. Cultural visit to the Manyatta (Karamojong village) which is fascinating where the Karamojong people who are nomads live, which is relatable to their counterparts the Masai who consider cattle as their pride The lodging facilities are few, which include the UWA bandas and the upmarket Apoka Safari lodge. kidepo savannah lodge however more are being set up to provide accommodation Kidepo Valley national park is about 510 km from Kampala which is approximately 12-hour drive from Kampala, by air-chartered air crafts are available