Rwenzori Mountains national park “Mountains of the Moon” is situated in Western Uganda in the East African Rift Valley and straddles also to the Democratic Republic of Congo. The mountain has its highest peaks, Margherita Peak which rise above the clouds and are permanently snow-capped, together with its twin peak, Mount Stanley.
The ranges are higher compared to the Alps with glaciers, snowfields, waterfalls and has been portrayed as one of the mainly attractive Alpine areas around the world. The Rwenzori Mountains are filled with seeming magical wonders as you hike up into the mountains with its various vegetation zones such as the rare Afro-Montane zone, which provide a spectacular backdrop to the national park.
Animals to be seen here include : golden cat, forest hog, rock hyrax, Sitatunga, elephant, genet, chimpanzee, Colobus monkey, Duiker.
Things to do in Rwenzori Mountains National Park include; Mountain climbing as the most popular attraction for those who love the snow-capped peaks of mount Rwenzori. With its scenery as one of the most beautiful that will leave one startled and breathless when reached at the top yet to be discovered by many. Bird watching: The Rwenzori Park is home to 217 species of birds and 17 of them can only be found in Rwenzori including the Handsome Francolin, Rwenzori Turaco, Long-eared Owl, Barred Long-tailed Cuckoo, Cinnamon-chested Bee-eater, Strange Weaver, Archers’ Robin-chat, Rwenzori Batis, White-starred Robin, Montane Sooty Boubou, Slender-billed Starling. Lagden’s Bush Shrike, Blue-headed Sunbird Barbets, Golden-winged Sunbird, Greenbuls, Illadopsis, Apalises, Crimson wings and Flycatchers.
Hiking through the forests at the foothills as you enjoy unique activities like fishing with your hands from mountain streams, climbing to the top of a mountain for a great view of the Rwenzori Mountains.
Cultural exchange to have plenty of opportunities to witness the locals at the foothills of the mountain carrying out their cultural lifestyles and activities like cultural dances the ways of old from the keepers of mountains.
The park is about 5 hours and a half journey from Kampala to Kasese by public means, though a four- wheel drive vehicle is advisable since western Uganda is mountainous. However, one can take only about an hour and a half if you used a plane.
Accommodation in the Rwenzori comprise of luxurious hotels, on a budget lodges, guest houses