White water rafting on the nile.

White water rafting on the Nile River is one of the best and top tourist activity in Uganda that attracts a variety of visitors to take part of their time to visit Jinja to self-experience and have adventurous moments. White water enthusiasts have been rafting in Jinja for over 10 years now.
The Nile on which this activity is done is a classic pool-drop river with deep, calm pools interspersed between powerful and exciting rapids and multitudes of different channels. Besides the standard bid water runs, there are less extreme options for those who don’t want to be flung or dunk into the raging Nile waters.
The white water rafting is done in paddle-rafts and all members on a particular boat are of then taken as a team (rafters) under the guidance of a professional guide. Rafters are always instructed on all aspects of their safety, how to paddle and how best to enjoy themselves. Regardless of the professional guide, every boat is accompanied by special safety kayakers who adeptly pilot their kayaks through the rapid ahead of the rafts.

When the rafts flip the boat upside down or if any paddler or team member is washed overboard, the kayakers are nearby to provide assistance in getting people back to their respective boats.
For better experience and memorable adventure, the professional guide gives their team raft guidelines and trains them on all aspects of Nile rafting. This is done at the beginning of the rafting activity for a few kilometres from the starting point.
The rapids on the Nile River range from grade 1 to grade 5. At each grade you have an option of paddling through the middle of the rapids which is a hard way or paddling around the edge of the rapid which an easy way though it might not turn out the way you expect it if you don’t paddle in the right direction
Safety on the Nile
•All the rafters are provided with a helmet, a high buoyancy life jacket designed to float you in case of an overboard and paddles for moving the boat.
•The raft boat is surrounded with a rope which can be used for gripping in an event of a bump.
•Every team is assigned a professional guide who steers from the back seat.
Note: Rafting can take half or full day depending on the rafters interest and program. Lunch is taken on Water